silicon metal
Company's Descriptions
Image <BR>Our company,XIAMEN K METAL Co.,LTD. is one of the leading supplier of China silicon metal and aluminum alloy ingot exporter, we are specialized in research ,development manufacturing and sales of silicon metal 553# 441# 3303# 2502# 2202# 1101# ,and Aluminum ingot ADC-10 , ADC-12. our annual volume ranks in front of the Chinese silicon industry and the entire operation is running underISO9001 ,2000systerm . We are aiming to be the professional alloying solutions for world silicon and aluminum industry.<BR>

<BR>Our company,XIAMEN K METAL Co.,LTD. is one of the leading supplier of China silicon metal and aluminum alloy ingot exporter, we are specialized in research ,development manufacturing and sales of silicon metal 553# 441# 3303# 2502# 2202# 1101# ,and Aluminum ingot ADC-10 , ADC-12. our annual volume ranks in front of the Chinese silicon industry and the entire operation is running underISO9001 ,2000systerm . We are aiming to be the professional alloying solutions for world silicon and aluminum industry.<BR>
Contact us jiahe xiamen fujian 361009 China
Product Description in English 取り扱い商品 Japanese
silicon metal 553# 441# 3303# 2502# 2202# 1101# ,and Aluminum ingot ADC-10 , ADC-12. silicon metal 553# 441# 3303# 2502# 2202# 1101# ,and Aluminum ingot ADC-10 , ADC-12.
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